大阪市現代芸術創造事業Breaker Project「ex・pots 2011-2013」で活動拠点となった「たんす」は、山王のデイケアセンターみどり苑で行っていたワークショップ「編み物をほどく/ほぐす」をさらにオープンにし、より多くの女性たちとであうために開設された。空き店舗だった元・鈴木タンス店をボランティアスタッフの協力で清掃し、呉のコンセプトスペース/ワークショップ工房/展示ギャラリーとして設えた場。今回の制作プロセスにおいて欠かせない存在である。やく1年間、週2回のペースでワークショップが行われ、地域の日常に寄り添って行く事で、次第に地域の女性たちが集い、語る場となっていった。
企画・運営: Breaker Project
アーティスト:呉夏枝 / プログラムディレクター:内山幸子 / たんすコンシェルジュ:松田薫 / サポートスタッフ:小川智美、南香帆、室谷智子
Breaker Project: 2003年より大阪市の文化事業として、浪速区新世界にて始動し、現在は西成区・山王を拠点に活動する地域密着型のアートプロジェクト。
Kioku shugei-kan TANSU
“Tansu(Closet)” has been designed to give the existing workshop “unraveling/untying knitted items”, which Oh had organized in the Senior Daycare Centre Midori-en in Sanno, a more open format, and to enable her meet women more easily. It is Oh’s concept space / workshop / gallery space that is located in the former shop of a closet maker, which was cleaned up by volunteers. It turned out to be an indispensable place for production process of the work. The workshops were held twice a week for a period of one year. By becoming a part of their daily activities, Tansu was gradually accepted by local women as a place they could talk about memories.
Produced by Breaker Project
Artist: Haji Oh / Program director: Sachiko Uchiyama / Tansu manager: Kaoru Matsuda / Support staff: Tomomi Ogawa, Kaho Minami, Tomoko Murotani
Breaker Project: Breaker project began as a part of cultural policy facilitated by the City of Osaka in 2003 in Shinsekai area, Naniwa ward, produces and fosters community based art project. The project has presently based in Sanno district in Nishinari ward.
Unraveling knitted item workshop
In search of unspoken and/or indescribable memories, Oh has been working with the method of weaving / unraveling / tying. She started a series of workshops called “Unraveling / untying knitted items” in Sanno district in Nishinari ward, in an attempt to collect personal stories of local women. The participants were asked to bring unused knitted items to the workshops, which they unravel together with Oh and other women, while they talked about their memories. During the two years period, some 100 items have been unraveled. Those balls of wool, which are symbolic of indescribable memories, were in the end exhibited as an installation, together with the administration card and pictures of the knitted items made by local women Oh met through workshops.
〜ニットキャップ人形編〜 / Knitting workshop -knit cap doll-
Exibition: “ex-pots 2011-2013”
Glimpses of Light, Flickering Shadows
江之子島文化芸術創造センター / Enocojima Creates Osaka
たんす会場 / Kioku Shugei-kan Tansu
Photo: Kazuo Fukunaga
Illustration: Mitsuko Ito
Reference: "Breaker Project Document Book 2011-2013", ブレーカープロジェクト実行委員会, pp.12-16, 2014.3.31