Chapter.3 A House of Memory Traces
The A House of Memory Traces, consisting of textiles and recorded audio voices of 45 women reading the texts taken from the National Library of Australia collection, "Nikkei kokusai kekkon shinbokukai nyusureta" (Japanese International Marriage Fellowship Club Newsletter, 1989-1994). The audio voices were recorded through the reading workshop held during the artist-in-residence program in the Art Tower Mito, Japan. A wide age range of members from the local community participated in the workshop, including migrants and those of migrant heritage.
These newsletters were written by Japanese war brides in Australia and other countries. Members received them by airmail. They shared their stories of past and present life experiences through the newsletters. Their experiences are deconstructed by being read aloud, and woven into new relationships as the viewers listen to these recorded voices. This installation, which is arranged like a room, aims to stimulate the viewers to imagine a war bride’s private space, in which they received and read the letters, and to invite viewers to imagine their existence by relating to their individual experiences and lives.
Reading workshop, Nikkei International Marriage Society Newsletter
2019/4/10-5/6 (全11回)
Photo: Yuzuru Nemoto
彼女の部屋にとどけられたもの / A House of Memory Traces
Flax, lampshade, light bulb, bobbin, wooden stand
Backstrap weaving, macramé, cyanotype,
Installation (sound)
Dimensions variable, 14’52”
Exhibition:「アートセンターをひらく 第1期/第2期」Publicness of the art centre phaseⅠ,Ⅱ
Installation at 水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリー/Art Tower Mito (Ibaraki, Japan)
Text reference:
Japanese International Marriage Society Newsletter#4−#55, 1988-1994
(「アートセンターをひらく第Ⅱ期」展カタログ、水戸芸術館現代美術センター、2019、p.22 より抜粋)
These works are made using “hogushi-gasuri” technique style of weaving. The image reproduced in fabric is revealed and tied again, thus giving soft look to it. The original image emerges faintly like a back ground amidst one’s memories, Oh states that space is generated in the act of reveling for “that which exists, that which has been done, and that which can be cone” between each thread. This is woven in, and a version that less easy to see appears. Almost to interweave together and fill in the spaces between the threads, sound is added in the form of words exchanged by women who traveled from Japan to locations all around the world after getting married after the Second World War. These are read aloud by women who lives in Mito City. These words spoken by people who strove to acquire language activities in their daily lives are taken apart by others reading them aloud. This is turn weaves another, new relationship into the work as the audience listens to these voices.
The scripts are taken from Nikkei International Marriage Society Newsletter
Reference: “PUBLICNESS OF THE ART CENTER PHASEⅡ”, Contemporary Art Center Art Tower Mito, 2019, p.22