
Tokyo Con…

Received the Tokyo Contemporary Art Award 2024-2026

The Tokyo Contemporary Art Award (TCAA) was established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Arts and Space (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture) in 2018 as a contemporary art prize for mid-career artists who have been active or based in Japan whose work, including work developed overseas, inspires expectations of potential for even greater achievements.
Particular importance is given to the need to provide the best possible support at the optimal time in the artist’s career. The selection process includes research on the artists and visits to their studios by members of the international selection committee, to deepen their understanding of the artist’s thinking, style, and career stage. The two recipients of the award will receive several years of continuous support.

exhibition information


KANTEN 観展 is a play on the Japanese kanji for 観点 kanten, perspective, and 展覧会 tenrankai, art exhibition—coming together to indicate an exhibition of perspectives. KANTEN examines Japan’s expansionism during the Asia Pacific war from an array of viewpoints, exposing the considerable ways in which the past can be visualized and remembered.

The seven artists featured in this multimedia exhibition navigate, reevaluate, and process generational memory—creating artworks that delve into complex issues that have long been established as “history.” Together, these artists demonstrate very distinctive approaches to both the material and immaterial traces of wartime displacement and imperial subjectivization, the blurring of national boundaries, as well as the role of the US in the aftermath of the Asia Pacific War. By juxtaposing their work with a collection of original Japanese wartime postcards, KANTEN aims to reveal the limits of memory, narrative, and testimony.

With nationalism and neoliberal patriotism on the rise around the globe, it is becoming more urgent to explore art’s power to both construct and dismantle national histories. As one of the first US exhibitions on this subject, KANTEN broadens the resistance against an enduring reluctance to confront the underside of history—especially when it paints a disturbing picture.

Texts: referenced from the website of the apexart

KANTEN 観展:The Limits of History

Periof: 2023.3.24-5.20


291 Church Street New York


Bontaro Dokuyama
Taro Furukata
Soni Kum
Ken Okiishi
Haji Oh
Motoyuki Shitamichi
The East Asia Image Collection, Lafayette College

Curated by Eimi Tagore-Erwin

exhibition information




curated by DAN TOUA

4 February – 1 April 2023, Canberra Contemporary Art Space
44 Queen Elizabeth Terrace Parkes ACT 2601

Exhibition Dates: 4 February – 1 April 2023
Gallery Hours: 11am – 5pm, Tuesday to Saturday

Friday 3 February

Artist Talks: 5:30pm
Exhibition Opening: 6pm, with Welcome to Country by Paul Girrawah House, Ngambri & Ngunnawal custodian

Saturday 4 February
Free Public Program: Knitting Circle with Kate Just, 11.30am – 12pm  


From fashion and home décor to agriculture and the medical field, textiles permeate every facet of human life. Textiles are used to proclaim ideas – bringing together people under the banners of their collective purpose; to pass down histories – using native materials to weave familial stories into wall hangings and tapestries; and to decorate – flashy fashion can also investigate community, agency and domesticity.

TEXTURE features both local interstate emerging and established artists in an exhibition that explores all that textiles can do and be.


Canberra Contemporary Art Space


exhibition information


Roppongi Crossing is a series of co-curated exhibitions staged every three years by the Mori Art Museum. First launched in 2004 to provide a snapshot of the contemporary Japanese art scene at a particular point in time, this seventh edition in the series showcases works by 22 Japanese artists (all born between the 1940s and 1990s) and artist groups, in an exciting cross section of both young and promising artists as well as internationally established veterans.

As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, our lives have changed dramatically. These changes have revealed many hitherto hard-to-see, or even hidden, aspects of Japanese society, prompting us to revisit and reconsider familiar elements of our everyday environments previously taken for granted. They have also shone a light on the presence and diversity of those around us also living through these tumultuous times. With people once more on the move and expectations of new cultural creativity growing, we are reminded of the fact that various ethnic groups live in Japan and that it is a country whose history and culture is manifold. What kind of future can we now imagine and build together?

The subtitle of Roppongi Crossing 2022, “Coming & Going,” reacknowledges that travel in and out of Japan and repeated interactions with other cultures throughout Japan’s complex history have indeed made the country a place where a wide variety of people and cultures now coexist. It also conveys a desire for those comings and goings to resume after the pandemic brought them to a halt.

We take a fresh and wider look at Japan’s contemporary art and creative scene, and invite visitors to join us in pondering the imponderable nature of tomorrow.





Period: 2022.12.1 [Thu] – 2023.3.26 [Sun]
Open: every day Hours10:00‐22:00 (Last Admission: 21:30)
* 10:00-17:00 on Tuesdays (Last Admission: 16:30)
* Open until 22:00 on Tuesdays of January 3 and March 21, 2023.

Venue: Mori Art Museum (53F, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower)

More information 



About this event

Dr Haji Oh is a third generation Zainichi Korean contemporary artist born in Japan, currently residing in Australia.

She completed her PhD in Fine Arts at the Kyoto City University of Arts and has been a Visiting Scholar at York University in Toronto, Canada. She has participated in exhibitions all across Japan and abroad, including exhibitions at the Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, the Kyoto Art Center, the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art Kanazawa, the Ueno Royal Museum Tokyo, the Busan Biennale, and the University of Wollongong.

In this seminar Dr Haji Oh will share insights into the politics, the untold memories and histories of the Zainichi experience embodied in her textiles and weaving practice. She will be joined in conversation with PhD candidate Soo-Min Shim whose research revolves around contemporary art of the Korean diaspora.


Meeting ID: 891 3622 4029

Password: 204698



Bundanon Artist in Residence Program

Period: 2022.5.2-11

Bundanon is situated in an ancient landscape.

[Bundanon is] a special place of Aboriginal significance – where hinterlandt meets the coastal
plain, where the saltwater meets the fresh, it’s where our language groups – the Dharawal and
Dhurga met, but most importantly it’s where people would come and meet.
– Noel Webster, Yuin Walbunja

Bundanon was created as an organisation to support creativity and learning in a unique cultural
and natural landscape. It stretches across two sites along the Shoalhaven River.
Arthur and Yvonne Boyd’s gift of Bundanon has given Australia a unique cultural and environmental
asset. Born out of Boyd’s often stated belief that ýou can’t own a landscape’, and the wish that others
might also draw inspiration from this remarkable place.
The Artist in Residence program is the result of the Boyds’ generous act, with the express aim that
artists of all disciplines might experience the beauty of the Shoalhaven and be inspired to develop and
make new work. We welcome approximately 350 artists to the residency program each year.

.. A place for the community to enjoy the bush and the river, and a place to be used as a forum
where those from every facet from the arts and sciences could get together.
– Arthur Boyd

exhibition information


《チョゴリk.i-#9,10,11,12,13》、2014/2022, ラムダプリント






会期:2022/3/13-5/8 休廊日などはこちらをご覧ください

exhibition information


小布をただよう / Emerging from Samples of Cloth




Emerging from Samples of Cloth

A single piece of cloth, a constitutive part in the artistic process, contains the trace of the artist’s creative exploration, a premonition of the completed artwork yet to take form. The artist carefully selects from different cloth-samples, and thus the artwork emerges. Even after the artwork is completed, a single component piece of cloth can still inspire the artist for subsequent creative activity.



Date: 2021/6/11-13, 18-20, 25-27